Those days I lived with my husband’s parents in
their ancestral home in the village. A tiny hamlet tucked up a couple of
kilometers from the sea - the way the crow flew, and dotted with coconut palms,
Jack, Cashew and Mango trees. An old town and serene little place by the sea! A
17th century Portugese construct church and not far away a Devi temple stood as
symbols of social amity, if I may. I wondered why my husband’s parents chose to
settle down in that place where they were but only about half dozen families
from their own Muslim community.Nevertheless my father-in law turned out to be
a succesfull business man and highly respected human being.No one noticed or
cared that he always sported a skull cap or well groomed goatty beard,and
unfailingly went to the ancient little masjid for five namaz each day, and they
were not used to identify his faith then. They were personal, peripheral and
incosnpicuous. My father- in-law was simply Kochukunju Musaliar to the village
folks. Nothing more nothing less!There were no muizins balaring out through
loud speakers, and the six families took turns to announce the call for prayer.
The gulf boom brought with it migaration
and today we see quite a few neo rich
Muslims who bought land in the village and flaunting their petro-dollar wealth
. That also brought with it a new mosque and its fancy and unaesthetic ornamentaion.
How could they resist being content with an ancient Masjid that is as spartan,nondescript
and silent though an enduring symnbol like the ancinet temple or the gothic
church?. My father- in- law’s objection to having muizins announce prayers
through a loud speaker was ignored. They shouted down his question why a loud
speaker, a prochronism during the Prophet’s time when the purists insit life must be pedantic
to the dictations of the Koran and the Hadith. The Gulf money spoke and they
funded the new mosque.
That goes about as the introduction to the old
town near the sea.
As a dutiful daughter-in-law I chose to stay
back with my husband’s parents , while he worked in the city about hundred
kilometers away and came home over weekends.The little place with its laid back
life and perenially flowing river - its waters gleaming like silver in the mid
morning sun, the dragon flies and colourful butterflies, the birds flaunting
their musical notes, the street dogs who wag their tails vigorously and
followed you,the dense sacred grove near the temple which is awe to me and erie
to a few,the gentle ring of temple bells at dusk announcing deeparadhana, and
the spirit of Christ that I could see on the ancient church, all, were too dear
to leave behind for a city life.My love for my husband was not less than the love
for the old town by the sea. But it may have seem wiered for few others.He, my spouse
was happy I took care of his parents and I eagerly awaited his return on
weekneds, though we both missed each
other on many other days.
I have the habit of going out for walk
immediately after sunrise ,something that which I carried from my schooling
days in the Jesuist school in Ootty. The
gentle nip in the morning air was plesant and I did not notice him, until he, a
man of about 70 caught up with me. He
was a bit short of breath and may have been trying to catch up with my brisk
walking. I have often spoted him stand
at the gate of the house near the post-office, its façade reeking with Gulf
“ Haa young woman , I haven’t noticed you in
these parts. Are you a vistor here?”
I smiled like I would to an elderly acquaintace
or relative and said, “No, I live here.”
His avancular expression was noticeable. “ Oh, old man that I’m do not
remember seeing you. By the way which household dear?”
“I’m Kochukunju Musaliar’s daughter in law.”
“Oh , oh I see, I see. Pardon me my dear. I was
living in my ancestoral home in Ranni and after the partition my nephews threw
me out, ungraetful scoundrels you see.The had no qualms in telling me. ‘Ouseph
velliappa now get out. You have nothing to do here.’ Luckily Clara is in
Kuwait, ye she is a nurse- you see , my son’s wife and she bought 15 cents land
and build this house for me and
Chackochi. We moved in a few years ago. Haa, I get it, now, and your husband did not join
you for the morning? Lazing in bed young
fellow, tired of the night’ acrobatics , I guess.” He made a chuckle and winked
while he said that.I did not notice that he had managed to arrest my walk.
“No, my husband works in the town and comes
back only on weekends.”I said feeling a liitle awkward.
“Oh , goodnes, save this girl holy Mary mother
of God.” He looked heavenward and then he continued. “How unkind of your husband to leave you an young
woman alone here!”
“ No, no, I’m not alone, I live with my father
and mother-in-law.I take care of them.”
“ No, no, dear. That is unfair. An young woman,will
have fantsaies and goodness me,now see you can enjoy the nuptial bliss only a
day or so in a week.! Good Lord how do you manage my dear?” He winked and
I was quite uneasy and was swiftly on guard.
“Ha, Oh you know what I mean. The acrobatics
with your husband can happen only over weekends. That is a pity dear.”
I was incensed , I ignored him and began to
walk fast as I could. Surprisingly he was abreast of me.
“ Dear how do you tolerate this unkindness..
you see if female vagina is untouched for long it sews up tight naturally.” He winked again and the repulsive
chuckle followed.
I stopped and turned looking him in the eyes. ”
Look, stranger. I do not know you, and do not care to know either.Now, what is
your problem here? It is my life and my privacy. You shouldn’t be concerned
about it let alone come up to me from nowhere , ask such outrageous questions
and make unsolicited suggestions.”
“Dear , dear . Did I offend you. Just see it as
an avancular concern of this old man Ouseph.”
“Do you know this is stalking and what can
happen to you if I report this? Please stay away , there are people to be
concerened about me. I do not need you.”
I walked fast more in anger and utterly
annoyed. How dare he come up and strike such conversation. Ouspeh, He said! I went
past the Church and worshippers were walking out after the mass. I stopped, and
looked back.I turned towards the street leading to my home.I was panting and
exhausted more out of seething anger.
Standing under the shower , cold well water
flowing over me, it did little to calm my annoyance and nerves. I barely
managed to eat an iddly and even before my mother- in-law could ask something I
was out on the street walking towards the church. I gate crashed into the small
parish meeting.
“ I want to talk to the priest - the Father? “I
said breathlessly.
It was then that I noticed that it was the same
old man Ouseph I was addressing. That group of a dozen parishshoners, looked t
me with curioisty. I repeated my demand
with firmness. “ Where is the Father. I want to speak to him.”
“Oh my dear young woman, what brings Kochukunju
Muslaiar’s daughter in law in to this church?” said a parishoner.
“ I want to speak to the Priest? “ I repeated .
“My dear girl, Father has retired to his
chambers after the morning mass. If there is something we can do for you dear ,
tell us.”
“I can stay put, till he is back”. I moved and
fell into a vaccant chair.
The more I think of the morning and that old man’s smirkfull face
, I began to shiver with anger. I woke up from a trance when a warm hand fell on
my shoulders and my chin was lifted . Mariamma Chettathi was looking into my
eyes quite concerned.
“ What is it my little girl. Fathima’s daughter
in law is mine too. What ails you? If there is something we could do, we should
not wait fror the priest.”
“But how
could that be so? She is not a parishoner. And non parishoner that too from another community sitting here
itself is not appropriate.” That was one Sebastin Muthalali who has the
department store in the village. He
returned from Kuwait a few years ago.
“Thangal Kunju Muslaiar’s daughter in law need
not be member of the parish. For all these years this church has enjoyed all
his benevolence. Mariamma chettathi ask her if we could do something for her.”
An elderly man intoned and silenced Sebastin muthalali.
I told
them what happened in the morning. But by then he old man Ouseph had sneaked
“ I want the Father to be present. I’ll wait
for him or I will go to the police.”
The alatar man
a lean scrawny figure shouted from the door to the priest’s chamber . “
Atchan has gone to town. He left a few minutes ago. Won’t be back till late
“ Haa that is not surprising. He must have
sneaked out hearing all this.When has the Father ever handled an issue. Is it
not his creed to escape such situations.” Mariamma Chettathi was candid.
“ Koche, don’t you know it is common for men to
pass lighthearted comments? If you begin to take up every word and utterances
there will be no time left in a day to pursue other important matters.” I did
not care to see who among that motely group said that.
“ Mariamma Chettathi will you come with me to
the man’s house?”
I asked
and soon a small group volunteered to join me, albeit reluctantly and
after strong persuasion from Mariamma Chettathi.
Sebastin Muthalllali said he had to open up his
store and cannot be wasting time on frivilous
matters. “ My girl think twice before making these little issues big. Won’t do any good to your family
honour and pride. Besides the matter will blow up into issue between two communities. You may
have to bear the brunt.”
“Yes , girls should not be this obstinate .
This is arrogance. Let these things pass.” I looked towards the man who said
that, and he cast his eyes down not meeting my gaze.
The small group walked to Ouseph’s house. As we
entered the gates we could se the old man reclining in his chair on the
verandha reading the morning news paper.
A man of about 40 came out smiling . “ Yes, yes welcome welcome the
parish committee is out early today on fund collection I suppose.”
“ Nothing to do with fund collection. It is
about Appachan, your father.”The elderly man in the group announced.
“What about him?” asked the son, a bit curious
and surprised.
I moved to the verandha and said.” Appacha why
don’t you please come out for a moment?”
timidly looked at me and cast his eyes
down and without looking at me he muttered feebly “What my dear girl? What can
I do for you?”
“ Appacha. Now why don’t you tell these folks what you spoke to me this
“My girl, I’m old as your grandfather.”I could
barely hear him.
“Yes Appacha. That is what stopped me back from
slapping you, your age.”
“ Ha Ousephe, is it true what she says? Surely
you know why we all are here.All said and done , what you said to her was too
gross. You ought to have thought about the holy sacrament you take before being so offensive and indecent and
that to a girl who is just as old as your grand child. Shameful!”
“ Oh yes
daily, this Appachan passes sleazy comments at me. I told my husband but he is
always asking me to ignore it and not make an issue.” The middle aged woman who
made that observation then glanced at
her husband and a teenage girl who were curiously watching the proceedings from
the neighbouring house ,across the compund wall.
“ See that is what embolden people like this appachan.
Your husband ought to be ashamed. Don’t you folks have a girl child growing up?
Will he advise the same to her when
someone tries this on her?” I could see the man’s head from over the compound wall go down, and the
expressionless face of his daughter.
“Ouseph , it won’t help if you sit quiet like
this. Tell yes or no if what this girl says are true.” The senior in the group
was sitting expressionless both palms supporting his head, his eyes cast
down.Obviously unable to meet our eyes. That pitful image seemed to be melting my fury inside, I
could not but pity that miserable old creature. He sat there like a cornored
old stag, its antlers broke and hanging.I turned to the son said, “ Chetta ,
who else is with Appachan besides you?”
“ What
has that got to do with this drama ?”
“ Old age and lonliness Chetta. You have
avenues to entertain and make merry, obviously friends too. But think of the
old . There is no one to talk to , to express their feelings , some banter and
”Koche what are you trying to tell? I don’t
take care of my father?”
“ Chetta , please do not be presumptuous. Did I
say so?”
“Then what. Clara sends bank draft every month.
She sends it in his name , she dosen’t trust me
with money , that stupid woman. Every day, three or four times he can
have sumptuous food. Every day mutton , beef and fish. He even gets brandy
bottles twice a month from town. He has televison and cable. What more should I
give a parent. You folks can easily conclude . I take care of my father very well. Now don’t
expect me to sit by his feet and massage all day.”
“ Chetta
. Appachan’s silence itself tells the story of what he said, what happened this
morning and how he spends each day. See this Chechi too has her story to tell.
Who knows how many other folks will have similar embarrassments! It is is your
parent. It is only kindness and gratitude if you undesrtood their feelings and
old age. I’ve nothing more to say.” And I turned and walked.
He shouted
behind me.“ Koche, you see it is quite natural for men to crack some jokes.
Women must be able to laugh it away.”
“ Haa, all hear wonderful son !” Mariamma
Chettathi hollored more in angush and anger.
He continued.“I see you folks are determined to slander my father.
When some stupid, mad woman brought up a
false story about my father the whole parish thought it fit to come
along. How can you be not sure that this woman
did not court my father. After all he type of women are capable of
enticing and enchanting decent men, even
old men. I won’t be surprised if she did that. Look at what she wears.”
I almost lost my bearings ,I stopped in my
track and gathering my wit I moved up to him – glaring and looking him in the
eye, I said. “ Yes, you can call me a slut. Isn’t that the easiest way of
defense you men know. I have been warned that if I make an issue of this it will hurt me , my
respectability and family’s status. So be it. Brother, I understand your wife
works in the Gulf and sends you money so
that you and this Appachan could built this bungalow and live merrily. Did your
Appachan not tell you that if your wife did not have regular sex , her vagina
might get sewed up naturally? He warned me this morning.So better take care my
I turned
around and walked back leaving behind a thrilled Marimma Chettathi as I could
see from her face, and obviously a stunt son. The rest of the group may have
stared at my receding figure.