This is not a post of irrational
suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. In fact this is an
earnest attempt to air some point of view as candidly and as succinctly as possible.
This is a reply to a Blog commentator by the name Aziz who commented on a Blog
post of Retired Justice Markandeya Katju
titled, “Do away with Burqa” (
. Mr. Aziz was quite upset with my opinion endorsing the Justice’s view and
more so to some of my observations and chose to be the jihadi against my views.
I have edited the
exchanges (my comments) between me and this mysterious Mr. Aziz and have added
more thought to it.
“If a religion that is didactic and stifling with its
bigotry decrees, yes Sari, Salwar etc. too may become dresses that will be
banned by the clerics. And anyone questioning it will be stoned. Wouldn’t this
be the case? Sati was evil and so is any form of practise thrust upon women/people
and Burqa is one such. Are Muslim women given the choice? They are controlled,
blinkered and choke collared and if they dare resist the Damocles sword
of religion is used. Isn't this the real life story?
famously a clichéd phrase is used by the controlling forces and unfortunately
even some women swear by it,'burqa is the expression of Muslim identity" .Identity-
my foot.”
Reply -Aziz - June
2014 12:28
First of all there is
no difference between burqa,sari and salwar in terms of freedom. Second, when you are talking
about choice ask the same question to your self, are your women given the
choice to follow western fashion? So please don't talk about choices, the only
difference in choice is the limit, your limit is sari and salwar and our limit
is burqa. And if you are
taking about those tiny percentage in big cities and movie industry, Its
because being educated they are not following Hinduism any more, after your
scriptures have been proven wrong for 1000 times by modern science. But this is
not the same with muslims because nor their scripture is incompatible with
modern science neither their beliefs became weak.
Anilkumar Kurup12
June 2014 08:49
Firstly I comment not as a Hindu, though I have been born to
parents who are Hindus. Mr. Aziz has commented like a typical ordained,
indoctrinated Muslim. i.e.” all else and all things other than what Islam say
and follow are wrong. All those who are not Muslims are khafirs. And that only
Muslims bleed.” It’s a pity Mr. Aziz.
This reminds me of a fascinating anecdote. A Muslim preacher
(Mullah) vociferously kept proclaiming that there are all things that pertain
to Man and Universe in his holy book. And that every invention has been
mentioned in it before it was invented or even thought of as a possibility. An
enterprising boy stood up and asked either after becoming unable to tolerate
his lopsided claims, "Mullah in your holy book is there something
mentioned about Paracetamol and how it can be produced"?
Mr. Aziz until you guys learn to tolerate, respect and
accept argumentation and inclusion , all that Islam can produce for posterity
is nothing but suicide bombers and violence. You cannot for any reason claim
that Burqa is not vile. It is t an archaic form of forced dress code not meant
to cover skin but the soul and spirit of women.
Aziz12 June 2014
"You cannot for any reason claim that Burqa is not
vile." Its so pathetic that when you have nothing valid to say in support
of your argument, you start commanding it. And always alleged terrorism on
muslims as a last resort, because thats the only way to escape for you....So
Anilkumar Kurup12
June 2014 17:20
Ok friend, my apologise, I rephrase. "Burqa is evil and
stiffing of the spirit". It is now a statement and you can refute it with
reasons that are not masochist.
The unfortunate fact is, it is in societies where Muslims
live that violence is unabated. Though we have problems in all societies
Muslims think for them as a class apart. And the Wahhabi form of Islam wants
the world for them and them alone.
It is a pity, Mr. Aziz. Why cannot you respect other
religions? Why do you want to dominate other societies? There is considerable
freedom for all faith in India but even a Muslim cannot breathe without fear in
the barbaric country of Saudi Arabia where ironically every word is spoken
sworn after your Prophet and God. There Wahhabi Islam is a threat to world
order and inclusiveness. They export it through the power of petro-dollars.
The issue here is not just a burka or if a woman wears it of
her volition or is forced to. But even educated Muslims such as presumably you,
are living with blinkers and shows no mindset to be inclusive and tolerant.
And Mr. Aziz, if you are there please care to answer my two
replies point by point. That is what discussion is about isn't it?
Aziz13 June 2014
“Well, First of all I don't know what you are calling
violence, if you mean by wars in syria, egypt and other few countries, then it
is because of transitional period as respected justice Katju said, it has
happened to all the countries including America, Europe and US. And it has
nothing to do with being muslim country.As far as the wahabiat is concern I
don't know much about them but they are very few in numbers and almost
negligible in India. It is just a perception that muslims cannot respect other
religions. can you make clear where are you seeing muslim not respecting other
religions. In fact you have problem with burqa,beef and 100 many more things of
muslims which is no where violating any right of you. Have you seen any muslim
protesting against your sati,cast system or rape and fraudulent acts of some
Babas. These misconception are literally created by western media and millions
of anti-muslim books written over the last century for their own gain and later
on followed by the Indian media as always.Muslims, specially Indian muslims
always respected the other religions but unfortunately they have not been
treated equally and thats the problem. As far as the wahabiat is concern I
don't know much about them but they are very few in numbers and almost
negligible in India.”
Anilkumar Kurup15
June 2014 18:19
My friend you have got it wrong. The problems or the gory
violent life that persists in the Arab world, in the Middle East is nothing
related to transition. Transition can happen only in societies that have
institutions that are democratic. The violent saga in the Arab world in the
name of “Allah” and his Prophet has been on since the advent of Islam. It is
rather ironical that the same God and his messenger could not put to order the
perpetual warring Shiites and Sunnis. One can understand the tribal societies
in a certain age in history that were perpetually killing and plundering but
the same to happen in this era is quite an achievement of Islam or whatever
people in the Muslim world makes out of it. Don’t you see? Why do Sunnis kill
Shiites? Care to enlighten me? Give me a logical explanation. I say that it is
because of intolerance of Sunnis and in equal measure the Shiites. These two folks
will for another millennia and more kill and maim one another to determine who
can be the legitimate successor to Mohammed. And still not find and answer.
Reason – intolerance and disregard for another’s view point- the bane of Islam
as we can see. However you can find consolation in the fact that the right wing
Hindutva groups are now rivalling extreme Islamists to be the custodians of
intolerance and bigotry
“As far as the wahabiat is concern I don't know much about them but
they are very few in numbers and almost negligible in India.( Quote Mr.Aziz)”
The above statement I’m afraid tells
your ignorance. Wahhabism is the brand of Sunni Islam that Saudi Arabia is
exporting. And the terror angle in India is funded by this Wahhabi money. What
we see in the ideology of Al Qaeda and other terror wings like LET or Jaishe
Mohamed and even in the ISISI , now in Iraq is another extreme form of Sunni
Wahhabism. They want to create a Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean to
South Asia. Fantastic philosophy of inclusiveness and tolerance! Isn’t it?
“It is just a perception that muslims cannot respect other religions.
can you make clear where are you seeing muslim not respecting other religions.
Quote Mr.Aziz)”
My friend, are you feigning ignorance. Surely you cannot be
naïve as you seem to confess through your statement here. Let us discuss
examples from history and recent times. Tell me why was the Bahamian Buddha the
6 th century year monolith sculpture, the monumental statue of standing Buddha
carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamwam valley in Afghanistan bombarded
by the Taliban the neolith faithful’s of Islam? If that was not uncivilsed and
abhorrent intolerance then certainly it was also a blatant form of intolerance
propagated by Islam. Those criminal, the terrorist, and the thugs- the Taliban
tore down the statue with heavy artillery in the name of Allah. Strange if the
God of Islam demands disrespect and irreverence of other faith. Do you really
believe that there is an Islamic God the only true God, that there is a
Christian God a false one at that, and that there is a Hindu vile God and a
Jewish God again a false one? Do you insist that people believe in this fairy
tale and kill their own? Why is the Muslim foray into India splashed and soiled
by blood and aided by sword? Why were the Hindu temples of ancient India
deracinated, desecrated and Hindus put to sword? Why were there forced
conversions? Look at the biographies of Mohammed of Ghori and Ghazanni for
instance. What else were those excursions of terror if it was not intolerance?
Rajiv Gandhi buckled and leaked through his trouser like a fool and amended the
law under Muslim pressure to circumvent the court ruling favouring a destitute
Muslim woman ‘Sha Bano’ who was denied maintenance by her husband sighting the
‘glorious’(sic) but God given Muslim personal law. What was that my friend if
that was not intolerance and refusal to heed to civilised norms? My friend do
you know which was the first Mosque in India? Do you have any idea? Can you
guess? The ‘Cheraman Masjid’ is in Kodungalloor, near Kochin in Kerala is said
to be the very first mosque in India, built in 629 AD by Malik lbn Dinar. The
land was gifted by the local Hindu ruler.
“In fact you have problem with burqa,beef and 100 many more things of
muslims which is no where violating any right of you. Have you seen any muslim
protesting against your sati,cast system or rape and fraudulent acts of some
Babas. ( Quote Mr.Aziz)”
You got it wrong here using me in the first person. (‘…your
Sati, your beef etc.”)Yes I was born to Hindu parents and that precisely helped
me to respect and tolerate different faith. My friend do you really believe
that there is a Muslim God, a Hindu God, Christian God, a Jewish God etc.? My
friend I’m not a Hindu as you may believe, and perhaps I will agree if you say I’m
a Hindu with no religious fervor and madness like some Hindus and many Muslims
and Christians too. I do not believe or see any reason to claim that there is a
Hindu God and he alone is great. I see only reasons to rubbish people who say
so and Muslims too who claim that only Islam is true. If Muslims did not
protest against Sati it shows how barbaric they thought. My friend, Sati was
one evil aspect of Hinduism and thankfully done away. Casteism, child marriage,
ban of widow marriage etc. are other forms of evil in Hinduism. Like stifling
woman in Burqa, like stoning women, like your triple Talq helping men, like
polygamy and subjugating women thereafter are vices in Islam. If you do not
protest and raise voice against all these evils and be it in any faith you are a bad Muslim and
above all a worst kind of human being, an abominable one. That goes with me and
everyone. Understand that. Even though I’m not religious I go to temples,
Churches and have been to Mosques too. I find no God cursing me for that. Can
you do that with free mind without your mullahs and fellow Muslims kicking you
in your arse? My friend it is not Muslims alone who bleed. The colour of blood
for you and me is red.
“These misconception are literally created by western media and
millions of anti-muslim books written over the last century for their own gain
and later on followed by the Indian media as always.(Quote Mr.Aziz)”
Why do you allow for misconception? Have you listened to
this Islamic preacher Zakhir Naik? The invective he throws at Hinduism,
Christianity and other religions? He proclaims that as I mentioned in my
earlier reply to you that Koran has everything truthful. Not only implying but
asserting vocally that all other Texts, texts of other faith is rubbish. The
silence of the educated among Muslims in the face of the bigotry of Clerics and
their perverted ideology is what helps the West talk nonsense of your faith.
Come-on my friend Muslims has been allowed to migrate to France, to UK, to
Spain and many Western countries. They are free to practice Islam there. They
have equal citizenship rights. And you say that there is misconception in the
West. This is ungratefulness and nonsense my friend. You will have more freedom
and respect in the West if you go there than in the custodian country of Islam
Saudi Arabia.
“Muslims, specially Indian muslims always respected the other religions
but unfortunately they have not been treated equally and thats the problem.(
quote Mr.Aziz)”
Wrong absolutely wrong and your contention is egregious. In
fact Muslims in India are a pampered lot, by the Congress rule and their vote
bank politics. I do not know what the BJP would do, if they will correct the
lopsidedness or go to the opposite extreme. If Muslims in India have not
developed they are themselves to be blamed. Their stifling laws, practices and
clerics who hold fatwas like in medieval Arabia to silence progressive voices
among Muslims are the reason for your backwardness. Why do Muslims in northern
district of Kerala want the criminal law to be amended to free Muslim men to
marry minor girls? My friend you go to Pakistan, go to Middle East you will
then see what it means by freedom of expression and fundamental rights you
have here being an Indian. As for a
country carved on theocratic mumbo jumbo look at Pakistan. You will then fall
prostrate and thank your God for creating you as an Indian and being able to
live in a free country like India. If the Jews were driven out of every land
they went to, there must certainly be something unsavoury about their attitude
as the guest in a foreign land. But remember they the Jews could find
sanctuary, identity, peace and quiet in India and nowhere in the world where
they safe-look back into history. Mr. Aziz if you cannot be happy still, I
implore you- look within. For the Kingdom of heaven may be within you.
A few years ago the well-known writer, and novelist Kamal
Das ( Madhavikutty), turned Kamal Suraya after her impetuous conversion to
Islam was disillusioned with herself and her capriciousness and expressed desire to be as she was before
the conversion. She was threatened (in her own words as said in her memoir) by
Muslim groups of dire consequence to her life if she chose to discard her
Islamic conversion. Is this is the mark of Islamic tolerance that many Muslims
swear is vouched in their scriptures?
These observations are not to vilify your faith, but to seek
civilized responses and answers to my questions. Why, Mr. Aziz, do we not see
even feeble voices of protest by learned Muslims against Islamic militancy, terror,
injustices and atrocities perpetuated in the name of Islam?