Thursday, January 13, 2011

The other side of the Moon

The mysterious other side has always evoked curiosity. Well is there a “other side”? The mysterious other side – what after death has evoked wonder, fear and anxiety to the majority, while the minuscule have brushed it as trivial and nonchalantly. Opinions are always based on religion, faith, conditioning and tradition. It has been the nature of man to attribute divinity and providential potency to things that are incomprehensible with the present knowledge that we possess of the mystery that life and universe are.
What will happen after death? What will become of you when you are dead?
Will you remain in the subterranean vault and decay ,or will your burnt out ashes get blown by the wind and be carried into lands that you wanted to go, or you never known of? And or still be immortal in the afterlife like the Pharaohs thought they would be? Here are some thought provoking, jest full, anxious, and on the whole funny answers. The kiss of Angelique – the angel of death!

1-      Your spirit returns to God, who gave it.

2-      The Judgment!

3-      I guess when you are gone, you are gone, and probably that makes sense.

4-      I try to think it in many ways, but can’t get around it.

5-      It is not what would happen after you die , it is what people want to think will happen after you are dead.

6-      Dude there is no opinion as to what would happen when we die; it is the hard biological fact. We rot and maggots eat us inside out. Isn’t it clear enough?

7-      Your neurons stop firing and your body starts to decay.Evryone mourns for a while and then move on, and then they also die and there will be again mourning for a while and their children and friends move on in life.

8-      The cycle continues until you are free of your karma.

9-      Life is too short to keep thinking about what after death.

10-  Let us keep the best of life ticking, the positive, and fuck death and life after.

11-  No one knows what will happen . We can only guess, hope and have faith. And there has been no come back except Jesus, so they say, and the only ones who saw him were connected to him.

12-  I told you guys, I can’t explain decomposition after having eaten recently.

13-  Decay and become part of the food chain.

14-  I’m not religious so I don’t care if people have different beliefs. And I will not get offended. But I do believe in God. Just an idea that popped up. We reincarnate and continue to do God’s will, and then go to heaven. Just a thought.

15- Send my stomach to Milwaukee if they run out of beer there.
Put my socks in a cedar box; just get them out of here.
Throw my brain into a hurricane.
Since it is sin to tell lies, send my mouth down south,
And kiss my arse good bye,
But please, please don’t bury me in the cold, cold ground..


Balachandran V said...

That's an awesome collection! :D

My favourite is :
I told you guys, I can’t explain decomposition after having eaten recently.

And the truth is: I guess when you are gone, you are gone, and probably that makes sense.

And the fact is: Dude there is no opinion as to what would happen when we die; it is the hard biological fact. We rot and maggots eat us inside out. Isn’t it clear enough?

Arun Meethale Chirakkal said...

I love the third one; "I guess when you are gone, you are gone, and probably that makes sense."

And for the time being, 'rage, rage against the dying of the light.'

kaalpanique said...

as we would have said in college.. BINDAAS... that was cool!

Sukanya said...

Good thought shared to us.
Answers are also quite interesting.
I believe as per 8th one.

anilkurup59 said...

@ Balachandran
@ Arun Meethale Chirakkal
@ Kalpanique

Yes when you are gone you are gone . What difference does it make to speculate and fret, get anxious, fearful etc etc.
Just a bit of fun I guess

BK Chowla, said...


anilkurup59 said...

@ B.K. Chowla,

Sir thanks, though it was a compilation . it made sense.

dr.antony said...

Who knows?

As a doctor I would agree,it is a cure for all illnesses.

"It seems a strange and repugnant conclusion that with the cessation of consciousness at death, there ceases to be any knowledge of having existed. With his last breath it becomes to each the same thing as though he had never lived. And then the consciousness itself -- what is it during the time that it continues? And what becomes of it when it ends? We can only infer that it is a specialized and individualized form of that Infinite and Eternal Energy which transcends both our knowledge and our imagination; and that at death its elements lapse into the Infinite and Eternal Energy whence they were derived.

HERBERT SPENCER, Facts and Comments

anilkurup59 said...

@ Doc antony

" infinite and eternal energy...."
Typical phrases and standard lines to tell about something which we know may be untrue. The author I guess is referring to the cessation of life in "man". I 'guess animals, and birds, other living things do not matter , because they are soul less and low?