This is something that may come up in Wikileaks a few years from now.
Scene -1
The Ministry of public health and safety Government of Japan, Tokyo .
Bureaucrats and the cabinet minister are huddled around the conference table. Officials from the Ministry of energy are also standing around with devastated looks. The camera zooms into the middle aged man seated at the head of table. He is wearing a black suit with gold crested buttons. He is the only person at the crowded table who seems to be relaxed and gay.
The camera cuts and moves to focus the huge video screen at the far corner.
Scene -2 to interlay with scene 1
And it is the General Electric HQ in Connecticut USA
GE officials are cloistered in the brain storming room of the headquarters and are in video conference via satellite with the ministry officials in Tokyo . The GE officials are all grim faced.
Cut to the cabinet minister in Tokyo
Minister displays an exasperated look
“Gentlemen, to you guys in the USA , we have explained the terrible problem of radiation we have on hand here in Japan . All your lousy reactors have gone broke and are sending out toxic fumes. If this goes like this we will not have any edible blue finned tuna to consign you and no more sushis. No great sharks to slice the fins for soup, and no mink whales to hunt for hamburgers. We are already running out of birds that nest here in Japan and so no more 'bird- nest -soup' for us."..
Cut- to the GE HQ on the video screen
GE chairman beseeching and pleading - “Sir you must understand the stringent quality we maintain in all reactors manufactured here. Though we have dual standards that are adopted one for the reactors to be used here in USA and the other for export to the third world. Shhhh now Sir this is off the record please. But believe me the ones we sent you are better than and not as bad as the ones we are holding for shipments to India ”.
Cut- to the Cabinet minister- “Ok CEO now this is getting a bit too far. Let me ask in simple English you guys stole from the English.When can we expect the accident liability compensation from you?”
-Cut to the GE CEO
Sir, I implore you, please you must accept a reduced level of compensation. You see like the General Motors we are just about limping back from economic crisis. And a hefty compensation claim will put us out. You see my friend Anderson at the Union Carbide paid only $ 400 million to the blokes who got gassed by his company in Bhopal India . And that as well after twenty odd years!
Cut- Camera zooms into the cabinet minister in Tokyo-
“Look, you stupid, your good old George Bush had ensured that the liability in case of accidents on the reactors you send to India will only be pea nut skins. And that foolish Indian Sardar has signed the dotted line. Why do you fret then? You can add some of the liability you will not pay to India into our account. In any case we have an agreement that the USA will clean up the mess should it ever happen. You know that”.
Cut- camera zooms in to the video screen-
The CEO displays a face of relief. And says grace to George W Bush.