Friday, December 18, 2009

Do You want to be like the Jones Next Door????

I m called Mr. 10% percent. The pseudonym is suggested by me.
Because it is widely held that if they partake with me a share of their gotten bounty the ethical and moral questions that can come up because of their words and deeds are lessened by my plenipotentiary. And they believe if I’m offered gratification for their mendacity my temperament is such that I turn blind eye to their malfeasance and arrogance. People also call me God in Queens English and am also known by plethora of names and euphemisms. People from different creed call me by different names. ”In fact they call me names”. Well thinking about that is exhausting for me even though you may describe me as the all prevailing and all consuming.
In fact this is a confession, confession and acceptance of my absolute incapability. This is a self indictment of me for my affable view of the “homo sapiens” whose creation and existence is attributed to me.
Am accused of incompetence, irresponsibility and graft. The third allegation, for reasons that was never of my doing. Because they created the system where in greasing of hands of the giver has become morally impeccable and a quality that can be flaunted with hubris and pride. Am accused of malfeasance from inflicting epidemics, death, war, misfortune, abundance of wealth, lack of it and unexplainable hardships on mankind.
Am not disputing the biological theory of evolution of living organisms and of all man. That theory seems to be more plausible rather than an under performer like me being instrumental in bringing about all the chaos and anarchy in this planet. Nevertheless though, that misadventure is attributed to me. But the point is; now I have reached my nether and have to confess my sheer helplessness and staunchly reject all forms of innuendos, omissions and commissions that go with my name.
I will try to elucidate
My answer here in reply to my alleged incompetence and misdemeanor is “do you want to be like the Jones next door”?
Because there in this question lies the answers which would suffice for my defence. If situations sway you off your feet as it did with the 'Jones next doors',  then as it is said in the book which has allegedly my spoken words 'you will inherit the wind', and beware chickens will come back to roost. That is not of my volition. But law of nature is such!

Corruption and graft began with the Jones offering me in their little kind when they were at subsistence level and then in seemingly philanthropic tyranny when luck showered them with fortune in plenty. Honestly I never asked any. But they know where to dust their philanthropy, and they seldom part with their fortune when fan fare and fame is not at arms length. They gave in plenty to all embodiments that plunder and thrive in my name. They fabricated statuettes in their form and claimed that they were my replicas and invested them in their mansions and in grandiose places they call Temples of God...
They had some piety when their fortunes were little. But sudden shower of wealth from manna (where I do not dwell), have brought out the vile character that was dormant in them - both in young and old alike. They fathom to forget that “all the wealth will not erase the past off their back”.
But still they believe that I exist and I could be silenced by greasing of my palm.
They swear by the ten covenants fabricated in my name but immaculately cross them with impudence .Well they think they can grease my palm and get away!
They are as the quote goes, have never killed a man but read obituaries with great pleasure.
They live in delusions of Puritanism. They fornicate when the covenants they swear upon instruct against. They preach morals and embrace such conduct that suits them. They sodomise kin in spirit, words and in deed .They think they can grease my palm and get away. Pretense is their volition of heart. They are down on their knees every morning and chant gibberish with eyes closed only to remind me how traitorous they are and as what incorrigible fool they see me as. They are false unto one other. Well they think they can grease my palm and get away.
They are self-made men and women and worship the creator they created and not the creator who may have created them and given them the pleasure of existence. They have been snowed under by wealth and materialistic wellness that they would even pay off their mothers for bearing them.
That is the power of wealth they wield.
When the avarice and unremitting greed of man rule all characteristic traits in the likes of Jones, it eclipses all goodness and selfishness rules the roost. What can I do? They will then quote the scripture to their ends and morality becomes a loosely defined term to be shoved under the carpet when inconvenient truths glare back.
Man is hungry for power and to maintain power he needs wealth, wealth gathered by any means, and to have wealth he needs power. The twain is much intertwined

I the 10% percent have nothing to do with this ill blood as in fact I do not exist in flesh and blood as they want me to.

A Riposte to the Cacphony at Copenhagen

Over The past few days I have been in my position of arm-chair environmentalist trying to pen some thing on the climate-Extravaganza going on in Copenhagen.
And some thoughts and few readings I have done went past my mind, And poignant as to the way the so called civilised folks wrench out life’s and nature was agonizingly detailed in the book by Dee Brown, ”Bury my heart at wounded knee”. Those thoughts took me to the statements and Orations of Chief Seattle. And there and then I decided what eloquence and words can rival the inner most feelings expressed by Chief Seattle in the face of destruction and in the name of development. By the time I post this Blog in all certainty the thamasha played at Copenhagen would close with a whimper and pointing of fingers .And such is the nature of man that the wisdom of this Red Indian Chief will not be heeded. And the planet will relentlessly slide towards the destructive Black hole

How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us.
If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man.
The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the red man. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man --- all belong to the same family.
For this land is sacred to us. This shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you the land, you must remember that it is sacred, and you must teach your children that it is sacred and that each ghostly reflection in the clear water of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father.
The rivers are our brothers, they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes, and feed our children. If we sell you our land, you must remember, and teach your children, that the rivers are our brothers and yours, and you must henceforth give the rivers the kindness you would give any brother.
We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on. He leaves his father's grave behind, and he does not care. He kidnaps the earth from his children, and he does not care. His father's grave, and his children's birthright are forgotten. He treats his mother, the earth, and his brother, the sky, as things to be bought, plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads. His appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert.
I do not know. Our ways are different than your ways. The sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red man. There is no quiet place in the white man's cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of the insect's wings. The clatter only seems to insult the ears. And what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lonely cry of the whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs around the pond at night? I am a red man and do not understand. The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of a pond and the smell of the wind itself, cleaned by a midday rain, or scented with pinon pine.
The air is precious to the red man for all things share the same breath, the beast, the tree, the man, they all share the same breath. The white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench. But if we sell you our land, you must remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.
The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also receives his last sigh. And if we sell you our land, you must keep it apart and sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow's flowers.
Will the white man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers?
I am a savage and do not understand any other way. I have seen a thousand rotting buffaloes on the prairie, left by the white man who shot them from a passing train. I am a savage and do not understand how the smoking iron horse can be made more important than the buffalo that we kill only to stay alive.
What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.
You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children that we have taught our children that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves.
This we know; the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.
Even the white man, whose God walks and talks with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We shall see. One thing we know which the white man may one day discover; our God is the same God.
You may think now that you own Him as you wish to own our land; but you cannot. He is the God of man, and His compassion is equal for the red man and the white. The earth is precious to Him, and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator. The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than all other tribes. Contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.
But in your perishing you will shine brightly fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man.
That destiny is a mystery to us, for we do not understand when the buffalo are all slaughtered, the wild horses are tamed, the secret corners of the forest heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills blotted by talking wires.
Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone.
The end of living and the beginning of survival.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Vande Mataram"

The recent row and cacophony over a diktat by a Muslim cleric/association is absolutely misplaced.

In the first place associating recital of the national song or even anthem with patriotism is ill conceived and silly notion. It tantamount to trespassing into the area of fundamental right and once freedom .If singing the national song or anthem is the yardstick to measure the intensity of patriotic fervor can we ipso facto accept the honesty and integrity in deeds and words of our ministers who undertake oath of office.? They swear by the constitution and some even further, upon God! And their subsequent conduct is best forgotten. Trivial instructions and legal enforcements to recite the national anthem have been overthrown in countries more liberal and at the same time with patriotic mindset that exceeds the average Indian.

On the whole the hue and cry over this fatwa is misplaced.

But looking from an impassioned perspective the song vande mataram- which literally means “mother I bow before thee” is a beautiful verse and has immense emotion and godliness about it. Here, mother can be God, biological mother or Mother Nature. And what is evil, blasphemous, and wrong about bowing to ,as a sign of respect to ones mother? We have been taught in childhood to cultivate respect and reverence for ones parents and teacher. It has been“matha, peetha, guru deivam (God)”, in that order. And Mother is considered as the God whom you can see, feel, be loved and know in flesh and blood. As because the existence of God in the conventional sense has or has not been proved, not yet.

The discordant part is that scriptures are taken into literally and the spirit and essence they behold is ignored or not noticed. Hence all these irresponsible statements and trouble!

If only ones heart has ones country in the forefront can one be at peace with ones god. And singing a song that reveres ones mother is not in any way sacrilegious to the spirit of ones faith and to God himself. The truth might be there cannot be God without the existence of a mother!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Inevitable

I can remember well when I look back that till about five years ago the obituary column in the Malayalam Manorama news paper was the least glanced. But now the page has become imperative and unavoidable. I involuntarily, perhaps upon auto-suggestion, go through the photos that are inlaid of people who wandered way. In case I stumble upon familiar faces!

I mention this because, increasingly over the past years, the consciousness of the inevitability is always in the mind. There cannot be any days when I have not thought, “How many more miles to walk?" It is not paranoia, but consciousness of the brittleness of life itself.” Young man, rejoice in thy youth (Anonymous), and how true it is!

Rewinding to twenty-five years when the nights were longer than the days back in Ernakulam in BOSBIG, I am certain that neither I nor the rest of the folks have seldom thought about old age, death, or the unknown bend around the corner.

But then why now?

An answer would be those twenty-five years of life since, have chastened one's consciousness... The hubris and audacity of youth have been vanquished by the harsh realities of life. 

Today in an informal discussion with the Asst General Manager of my bank, he was expressing his anguish over the demise of his little sister, who died of cancer a few days ago. He lamented that it was unfair that she, the youngest, should succumb before the elders in her clan. I suggested that perhaps death does not discriminate. He, I thought, nodded but was not quite convinced at the impudence of fate and life.

So then, life has to move on, sometimes ebbing gently and at times tumultuously, but the brittleness of life has always to be remembered.

Though the poet sang for it, is it worth asking for another chance? This world no longer sees the gentle sparkle of the moonlight, nor does the eternal dew shower like pristine white plumes, nor is it enchanting anymore.

God made a stupid decision—he created man !

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why Iam not a Christian

Apologies to Bertrand Russell for borrowing the title of his famous book.


In this context using the statement “why I’m not a Christian” must be y seen loosely. And no specific reference to the Christian mentality needs to be surmised or is intended. On the contrary it is a statement against the general venality of the ilk that professes and pedal Christianity, Hinduism and Islam-the the religions that most affect our daily life in India. In fact, it is with references to organised religions.

 I have wondered why the symbol of the cross is the lynchpin of Christianity. The cross-shaped sign, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles, predates in both East and West, introducing Christianity. It goes back to a very remote period of human civilization- to the pagan era… It is supposed to have been used not just for its ornamental value, but also with religious significance and as a tool of torture.

 During the early days of Christianity the cross may have been rare in Christian iconography. And it is also considered that the instrument on which Jesus died was in fact a solitary-beamed stake widely used for torture and impaling. 

 But why must the Christian establishment which zealously nurtured and evangelised their version of the story of Jesus Christ has the figure said to be of Christ on the cross?  Now one can see why. The Powers that rule and tender the flock need the agony and humiliation of Jesus on the cross to ensure that the flock mind their way as desired by the powers that rule the Christian world. A perfect scape goatish ploy. To paraphrase Christoper Hitchens, ‘the repulsive idea of vicarious redemption’.  This was what Hitchens said, “I find something repulsive about the idea of vicarious redemption. I would not throw my numberless sins onto a scapegoat and expect them to pass from me; we rightly sneer at the barbaric societies that practice this unpleasantness in its literal form. There's no moral value in the vicarious gesture, anyway. As Thomas Paine pointed out, you may if you wish to take on a man's debt, or even to take his place in prison. That would be self-sacrificing. But you may not assume his actual crimes as if they were your own; you did not commit them and might have died rather than do so; for another, this impossible action would rob him of individual responsibility. So the entire apparatus of absolution and forgiveness strikes me as positively immoral, while the concept of revealed truth degrades the concept of the free intelligence by purportedly relieving us of the hard task of working out the ethical principles for ourselves.”

 I also see it to be more out of sadistic pleasure and disregard for the sufferer (Jesus), that his image is perpetually on the cross even though the official version claims that he was brought down from the cross, entombed, and thence resurrected. Would we Indians sit back and enjoy if Shaheed Bagat Singh’s memorabilia were to depict him hung on the hangman’s pole with a noose around his neck, or a Gandhi shot and lying in the pool of his blood?

It is said that in Christianity the cross reminds Christians of God’s act of love, Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary—”the son of God who washes away the sins of the world.” And that the cross also reminds Christians of Jesus’ victory over death, since it is believed that through his death and resurrection he conquered death itself and salvaged the world. They venerate it not as a material object seen in isolation but as the symbol of the sacrifice, by which Christ saved them, as the instrument of Christ’s triumph.

 And this is hypocrisy, selfishness, and utter disregard for another man’s agony. To have his figure on the cross perpetually is abhorrence. And all this after being remorseless for not defending him in the kangaroo trial that the priests successfully managed. This is the definite way to disrespect a man who perhaps with the knowledge gained during his journeys to the orient stood against everything that now Christians practice in his name. And the principle and idea of vicarious redemption trumped by the Church are the most macabre piece of an idea ever invented.

 That brings me to the most art of “hypocrisy” practised by the church and the laity.

Shashi Tharoor in his book on Mrs. Indira Gandhi has wryly commented on the twenty point programe (thamasha) she dangled. He wrote, “Even the good lord had only ten points”! But even the ten points that the Lord himself crafted have always been relegated to the sophisticated occasions of the holy mass.

 In the New Testament version Jesus has commented on the Ten Commandments. He in fact condensed it to a nutshell that is far more powerful than the version in the Judah-exodus version. Jesus thus said, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your entire mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang the teachings and preaching’s of Christ. Which the holy see and the holier than thou Christians quote like the devil who quotes the scripture for his end.

 From this, it should be clear that Christ did not differentiate or create a distinction between Christian God, Jewish God, or a Pagan God. He exhorted to love your God and not this God or that God. Now, what do the so-called practitioners of Christian faith do? They divide God and human hearts by race, ethnicity, country, and region. They even created a Catholic God, a Protestant god, an Adventist god, and so on a so forth. Here in India in the heartland of Christianity- Kerala they smashed the father, son and the holy ghost into smithereens that they now have a Roman Catholic house of God, an orthodox, a Marthoma,  Cananites, Malankara, an evangelist, a Presbyterian, not being enough a Pentecostal, etc   . And to add up to these agonisingly clownish exercise, they, not so long ago in Kerala even fought a pitched battle inside a church. Many Christian dioceses refuse to solemnise wedlock if one candidate is from a different denomination. They use baptism and Holy Communion as tools to harness the flock and forced wearing of blinkers. Fear is instilled into the mind right from an early age to confirm and confirm without questions lest ill will befall. The uncertainty and the inherent insecurity of life are exploited by the Church.


It is in all certainty perversion and anti-Christ in every sense when the salesmen of god (the priests) and even the zealous practitioners throw vituperation at other religions that coexist. Is it their lack of understanding of Jesus himself or is it plain intolerance? When you look back into history the cruelest form of evangelisation, (let alone the Holy inquisition) was perpetrated by the gospel preaching mariners who sailed into the new world and into the dark African continent. The brutality and pain the native Indian populace met at the hands of missionaries in the Americas is well documented. Negating the holocaust and refusing to bat an eyelid against the systematic persecution of Jews by the Nazis is again another fact of history that every Christian must see abhorrently. The Vatican was canoodling the fascist and Hitler. The extent to which the Holy See opposed various scientific discoveries, inventions and explorations is again another example of negating every truth that is inconvenient.

 Proselytisation has been used as a weapon and tool to increase the numbers in the flock. It is no secret that financial and various other enticements have always been a means of coercion and lure to convert the ignorant and poor. I fail to understand why conversions must ever be necessary to economically uplift a person or group? If as Jesus said love your God it is apparent that the God he refers to is not “jealous” nor is he the person who wields the sword. Certainly not the jealous and vindictive god of the Old Testament. It can be Mother Nature herself. And as he exhorted love thy neighbor like your love self and then quid-pro-quo in the form of conversion and gratification is not necessary. A true Christian must love all things that the “good lord created”. The true Christian must be the one who is at peace in a Church, a mosque, a temple, or any other place of worship and sanctity. He doesn’t have to identify with the frenzied imploring that happens in these places of worship. He doesn’t have to be identified with the medallion of Christ on the cross dangling around his neck,

 Then we have the hypocritical variety amongst practitioners. This clan is in my opinion more dangerous. Unfortunately, we have them in our midst of plenty. They pray, observe the holy Eucharist, confess, and throw thick note wads as philanthropy. And they profess sacrifice, abhorrence of material wellbeing, and so forth. Such people don’t realise that the word sacrifice is loosely used and they cannot let go of their possessions. If they say they have given everything away, that is a lie. One who has given everything away I’m sure will at a later point in time extract the maximum pound of flesh. Their religion or kinship will not deter them…

Does this make the followers of Islam or Hinduism (as is now practiced in India) a better class apart? The answer is no. Religion as is professed and practiced today is the bane of mankind. It is dangerous than opium and kills more.

 When Islam kills in the name of God, it ceases to be a religion of love and compassion. The day the golden temple was stacked with weapons of destruction it ceased in all respects to be a sanctified place, it was no more the place of God.

If persecution and agony is inflicted on a Hindu or a Jew, is by no extent a lesser injustice than when inflicted on a Muslim. Pain and blood is unique amongst all biological creatures and it doesn’t differentiate between a Muslim and a Hindu. Injustices have always existed and have been inflicted on the hapless irrespective of religion, race, and color.

Now talking about islamophobia, it is not a phobia; it is for real. If innocent Muslims are at the receiving end, it is because of the religion prefers to be marooned in the 7 the century tribal mindset. They have neither the courage nor the will to unite against murder, rape, and pillage, neither within their community nor outside. It is beyond a godly mind to devise fairy tales to lure and mesmerise the gullible and pack them off as human bombs with the promise of paradise in the afterlife. Islamic culture which gave forth many contributions to the field of learning has now been catapulted and constricted into the web of obscurantism and has now become a religion that refuses the right of a person to think. When places of learning are razed to the ground and girls terrorised from attending schools, it is Islam losing ground as a faith of salvation and is being increasingly corroded by bigotry. The sectarian antipathy amongst Muslims- Shites and Sunnis for example is again a clear fact that religion cannot bind people. Faith in fact becomes the fire-spewing dragon when it is practised outside one’s soul.

The faith that was unique to India has also been hijacked by the fire swallowing, ash painted, naked and semi naked thrisul brandishing bigots in saffron attire. Religion and political parasites in a mould become a pernicious syndicate. Hinduism from what I could learn from various readings was a way of life of the people of Hindustan. The uniqueness of Hinduism with its pantheon of Gods and Goddesses is the fact that one could be in union with any god or goddesses and be at peace with the rest without inviting the wrath of the other members of the pantheon. ‘Hindu Gods are not jealous, unlike the god of Moses”. However, with the spread of the Aryan civilisation the caste system came into existence and thence the economic and social discrimination. Which has now grown into a mammoth proportion where it could lead to the demise of a ‘wonderful way of life!”

However, it was only in India that a Jew, Christian, Muslim, a Buddhist, or even agonistic could express himself without fear. It was in India that St Thomas could build the house of God or in Kerala where the first Muslim mosque was built in 639AD ( the Cheraman Masjid in Kodungalloor). And the Jewish synagogue from the earliest centuries still survives in peace in Cochin. Tolerance, compassion and respect for an alien faith are effervescent in our culture. Nowhere else in the world but only in Kerala that Jews could live without the fear of persecution.

 Ram and Krishna are not historical figures. They are mythical and central to the legends and lore of India. And to raze down an unattended Masjid was also never in line with the life stories of neither Ram nor Krishna. Quid pro quo to correct acts of injustice is not wisdom.

When Hindus speak in anguish about the erosion of their values one must look around and see the values that they refer to. Those values are splashed daily in the pages of our dailies, and on the television channels- rape, murder, corruption, intolerance, apathy to poor and the marginalised, desecration of Nature and on and on.

 Another factor that has been used literally as a tool of submission and silencing of expressive voices is the law and fatwa’s on blasphemy. One’s faith must indeed be very fragile and brittle that it would tremble at the slightest and distant criticism or perceived threat. How else can one explain the frenzy and vociferous cacophony that arise at the publication of a book or caricature? In what way will movie on the life of widowed Hindu woman by the Ganga denigrate Hindusim? This reminds me of the words of the French philosopher and thinker Voltaire,” I detest what you say but I’m prepared to die for your right to say that”.

 What would possibly denigrate and tarnish faith and belief in God is the way faith itself is practiced.

 The soul has been lost!

 As J.F.Kennedy said, “religion must be as private as one's toothbrush”. 

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A small attempt know myself.

Is there a meaning to this life?? Hindu wisdom calls it karmic and re-birth. The cycle that goes on and on until you are completely washed of sins of the previous birth. A not very fascinating point to stop thinking and call out “Eureka”.
And the the Christians who found ways to wash away temporarily the sins of the present life through confession, talk about eternal hell and the the golden gates of heaven. In the youngest of all of faith Islam, as it is seen today it is easy to go the Nether world (no one knows for sure hell or heaven) by blowing one up along with the passer by. .

I cannot subscribe to these views may be because I am a moron! No, because no one has come back to clarify on these theories. And that then brings me back to the question why am I hear? It just doesn't make sense!!!!

What difference does it make if I was not born? What difference does it make when I’m gone? Deluge? Ha ha that theory is for megalomaniacs and mercifully I’m far from being one.

Then can some body out there tell me why the hell we are here???????? And what sense can one see in all the frenzy and melee we enter into???

The Sherpa who went up to the Everest top on his 75 th birthday sure must have had his priority, his look to life different.
Indoctrination, conditioning – into a conformed life, that begins at a very tender age. You are conditioned to react to situations, not with open heart a, but with facial mask. Venality and banality camouflaged from your countenance, you live an imposter, a marionette. You are indoctrinated to be some body, believe in some ism, show and profess faith in one particular path... Child hood indoctrination gets you through adolescence, gets you into adult hood by when you have learnt to profess all hypocritical acrobatics. You have become perfectly arboreal. The society wants you so. You betroth, marry and produce babies. Then you become the master at the other end, conditioning and indoctrination of your children begin- the cycle goes on. Meanwhile the relentless ebb of time cripples you mentally and physically. You are fatigued, tired and wriggle into the place behind doors, your limbs and muscles crying with pain , out of weather beaten wear and tear. You wait to squeeze through after one last exhalation into the wooden cask. or to get gobbled by the inferno in a electric crematorium, or still you could will your physical body to the cadaver hungry medical schools. Will you then ask from your heart, “Have I had the best out of the days I walked this earth.” Bearing and rearing children, living a conformed life, being goody goody, is not it prosaic? For a lover of the mountains every peak he scales, for an explorer every new frontier he touches, for a bi-plane pilot every cloud he caresses are the beginning and end of what gives life its meaning. Well then producing children and living clustered and withering away without feeling the earth that gave us life , will that be counted?

On this Saturday afternoon sans “alcohol”………

On this Saturday afternoon sans“alcohol”………

The art of selfishness, hypocrisy, debauchery, manipulation and, mendacity. .

The adjectives are livid and provoking. But yet the story that may throw light into the factual of this rare alignment of qualities in a person is frightening.

It is true that a claim of sacrifice is not to be seen as a sensibility that must call for salutation, let alone virtue. Those who claim and profess that they sacrificed all they had are a dangerous lot, that some where down the line they would extract monumental value in return, that will maim many lives constantly and for ever.

Those who claim of having given away all they possess, material- are profanely dishonest. And it is vulgar to dispossess oneself. It is destructive to give away all that you have and give away free... And no body ever will.

Will it be contested if I say, God did well the first five days of creation but faltered the sixth day, and he retreated into Sabbath to atone for his pitfall- in creating "man"?
It is noted in Anonymous. “Lady what man hath the power to see through your venality and deceit?” But that is honestly not chauvinistic.Deceit and venal qualities are meant to be in cahoots with man and no beast .
There are people who as told by Oscar Wilde, who," know the prize of everything but value of nothing”.